How much time you were needed to start speaking another language? I am just curious if i can speak Hungarian in 1 year of learning. Maybe You have some friends which experience can be a good example?
21 ส.ค. 2015 เวลา 16:03
คำตอบ · 4
Hi Julia! Although Hungarian is considered to be one of the hardest languages of all, I think you can learn to speak it in a year. I suggest not to learn the grammar because it will just confuse you and in the end you will hate the whole thing. It's more useful if you listen to songs, watch videos, later even films (first without subtitles, then with Hungarian subtitles, to be able to focus on listening), even listening to audio material while walking on the street... then you can repeat what you hear, which is a perfect way to start to speak. Then you can talk to native speakers. First you may find it hard, but it will be easier every time.
22 สิงหาคม 2015
It depends a lot on the language and if you know a similar language (or several of them). It's also heavily dependent on how much time you put into it, if you have a structured way of learning it or not, your personality, and how much you practice and immerse yourself in a language. I think you can learn Hungarian in 1 year if you do these 4 things: Decide if you’re really committed to learning Hungarian (which I think you are) Mentally prep yourself for high volumes of consistent, level-appropriate language exposure (don't start with very complicated things, but find your own pace). Start listening to audio lessons (and also music, videos or anything where the language is spoken, but mainly audio lessons if you can find them) Make a concerted effort to stay productive (don't focus on doing much, but on actually learning what you are currently working on). Those are the four main things I'd advise you to do. Hope it helps!
21 สิงหาคม 2015