สงสัย ? From a dictionary : สงสัย sohngR saiR to doubt; suspect; wonder about . If I say: I wonder what time he would be back, it would be ,maybe : Pom sohng sai waa kao ja glap maa meuaa rai? But, If I say : I doubt he will come back , it would be, Pom sohng sai waa kao ja mai glap maa All the above correct in their meanings ? Furthermore , how about the sentences , I doubt he is the thieve (meaning I dont think he is) and 'I suspect he is the thief ( meaning I think he is) ,wouldnt the usage of sohng sai as defined by the dictionay distort my meanings. Thank You
17 ก.ย. 2015 เวลา 14:28
คำตอบ · 3
First sentence is correct. Second sentence, My suggestion should be Phom mai nae jai waa khao ja glap Na. Furthermore, both are ok, it depends on how confident that he is a thief. (Your Thai is good)
17 กันยายน 2015