Can someone please translate this from German to English? Formale Voraussetzung ist ein gleichwertiger Bachelor-Abschluss in Informatik einer wissenschaftlichen Hochschule. Da die Inhalte des Bachelor-Studiengangs Informatik der Technischen Universität Berlin vorausgesetzt werden, ist bei Bewerbern von anderen Hochschulen eine Einzelfallprüfung der Studieninhalte erforderlich. Sie kann dazu führen, dass vor der Zulassung einzelne Studienleistungen nachzuholen sind. Google translate was weird and the translation was hard to understand.
11 ต.ค. 2015 เวลา 9:42
คำตอบ · 2
Hi, Cherry. I have to say that university-speak is not my specialty. I've tried to give you a faithful translation (see below), but in plain English it means that these people would prefer applicants to have an IT degree from the "Technische Universität Berlin". If you haven't got that, they'll look closely at your university's curriculum. And if they consider it to be inadequate, you will be required to take one or several additional exams. "An equivalent Bachelor's degree in IT from a university is required. Since the content of the Bachelor's studies in IT from the "Technische Universität Berlin" is a prerequisite, applications from other universities will have to be individually checked as to course contents. This in turn may lead to applicants having to catch up on the content of one or several courses." Regards, Susanne
11 ตุลาคม 2015