Help(please) Hi, there Could you help me? Would you use among or between in these cases? "Among/between these three sentences, which (which ONE??) is correct ? And "The talks among/between the countries are making not progress" 2) Let us say you are measuring a table and you ask someone measuring one side of the table "What have you got/What do you got?" .. could the person say: "I have 20" or "I have 20 inches"? Does it sound odd?.."I have X inches" 3) Do you say "I can quite whenever I want or I want TO?. Thank you very much!!!
9 พ.ย. 2017 เวลา 13:15
คำตอบ · 2
"Between" is used only for two things: between you and me Jenny and Sam had only three dollars between them. "Among/between these three sentences, which (which ONE??) is correct ? I would not use either; I would say: One of the three following sentences is correct. Which one? And "The talks among/between the countries are making not progress" 1 - depends on how many countries you are talking about The talks between China and the US are not going well. The talks among the EU nations regarding refugees.... 2 - talks don't make progress (people make progress). See first sentence in 1 as an alternative 3) Do you say "I can quite whenever I want or I want TO?. I can QUIT.... both are fine.
9 พฤศจิกายน 2017
The talks between the countries are making no progress What have you got? : I have 20 inches I can quit whenever I want. I can quit whenever I want to.
9 พฤศจิกายน 2017