한국이 실제로 위험한 나라는 아니지만, 대부분의 한국 부모들은 자신의 자식들이 혹시 모를 위험에 처하지 않을까 항상 두려워한다 한국이 실제로 위험한 나라는 아니지만, 대부분의 한국 부모들은 자신의 자식들이 혹시 모를 위험에 처하지 않을까 항상 두려워한다 I want to translate this korean sentences to english. like that 'Although Korea is not really dangerous country to live, most of parents are always worrid about that their child could have been dangerous situation'
10 พ.ย. 2017 เวลา 2:00
คำตอบ · 3
Using what you have given already, I would phrase it as: Although Korea is not (seen as/regarded as/-----) a really dangerous country to live in, most parents always worry that their (child/children) could (end up/find themselves) in a dangerous situation. Pick one of the phrases from the brackets and delete whichever phrases from the brackets you don't like. "-----" is a blank space, you could leave nothing in the gap and the sentence would make sense. I might also remove the word 'really' but that's up to you. Hope that helps :)
10 พฤศจิกายน 2017