Indalecio Garcia
what's the meaning of this in this situation I was watching a video on Facebook today, and there was a judge who always says .. you motor car has been (BOOTED) for any situation and then he starts talking but there's something that I don't understand very well when he says (booted) I can't figure it out what does that mean in this case?.. help me guys thanks
17 ต.ค. 2019 เวลา 19:24
คำตอบ · 9
It's American English for the car being wheel clamped. A bit confusing for British English speakers, as to us a 'car boot' is what the Americans call the 'trunk'.
17 ตุลาคม 2019
thank you everybody for the answer.
17 ตุลาคม 2019
Just to clarify: The boot prevents the car from moving until the driver resolves the outstanding tickets or fees that were incurred previously. In the US, the other way is to impound, or tow the car to a locked parking lot. You don't get booted or towed for parking illegally--you get booted/towed for having a large unpaid fee, or several parking tickets or traffic citations.
17 ตุลาคม 2019
It is clearly a North American video. I hadn't heard of that before, so appreciated Karl's comment. Here, the same device is called a 'clamp'. His car was 'clamped'.
17 ตุลาคม 2019