Souvenir photo or commemorative photo? On the farewell party we took ....... photo. Which one is a correct collocation and which one fits to this meaning?
25 ต.ค. 2019 เวลา 13:47
คำตอบ · 2
A native speaker might say we took a photo to remember (or mark) the occasion. I would never use the term commemorative photo or souvenir photo. But if someone said either one, I would understand what they were saying. When I think of a souvenir photo I think of the photos that are taken of someone when they are on a cruise ship or on a roller coaster or on a zip-line. You look at the photo taken by a stationary camera or a photographer and buy it from the business or from the photographer if you like it. They are usually expensive 😀
25 ตุลาคม 2019
Commemorative photo is when a memorial photo is taken to make a memory of an event.A souvenir photo is a reminder of a place or occasion. The first one would be best to use.
25 ตุลาคม 2019