What is the definition of LOVE in your opinion ? frome group (make friends and learn )
26 พ.ค. 2010 เวลา 12:29
คำตอบ · 6
Sharing, Missing, Caring,...
26 พฤษภาคม 2010
Fascination and respect ! First you are stunned about what the other person is and then you feel this enormous willingness to not try to change him/her in any way because you accept and embrace the differences between the two of you, respect ! ... LOVE (im not talking about just between lovers, but any kind of relationship ) ^^
26 พฤษภาคม 2010
AGREE WITH JENNIFER!!! The deep respect... The admiration. AND the worry (Maybe without any reason... U.U) about the one You love (A lover, a brother/sister, a good friend...)...
26 พฤษภาคม 2010
wow.....really..hard i think. but you want to see him all the time and you'll smile when the time you spent with him occured in your mind. you want to be around with him no matter when. perhaps....taht is love
26 พฤษภาคม 2010
1 is when you are happy to give without waiting to receive back... when we love we give.... when we are loved we take...
26 พฤษภาคม 2010