i can found someone yo help me for practice english..........please
4 มิ.ย. 2010 เวลา 17:40
คำตอบ · 6
to practice english i feel u hve to come on chat by doing alot of chat u can improve your english coz u can see how people make up sentences as u know practice makes perfect so throw yourself in chat box will u?
5 มิถุนายน 2010
Hi. These sites will help you learn English. You can learn English using Chinese at Italki. go to: Here are the Italki English/ Chinese speakers. Email some of them and invite them to be your friend or language partner. Set up a time to chat on skype. Remember the time differences between countries, If there is a green light next to a person's name, it means that they are on line. Good luck! Click on here: is recommended by other Italki members Italki member Courtney recommends this voice chat study group for learning English 我看见有一个可以skype聊天的group,但是没什么人去,最好还是在语言伙伴里找人,然后加他再语音吧,祝你好运 Also for Chinese speakers learning English have a look at Quick Speaker 还在为去国外旅游无法独自开口表达而烦恼吗? 有了 QuickSpeaker 这一切将变得轻松简单! QuickSpeaker 根据在外国旅游或生活中常遇到的不同场景,分为20大类,超过3000条日常用句,每条句子都包含专业的翻译及纯正的英语发音,通过您的手机,让您真正做到随用随学,沟通随时随地 !
4 มิถุนายน 2010
Yes, I can find someone to speak English with you here
4 มิถุนายน 2010
Here are also some sites that you might like to check, they could help you practice grammar as well as vocabulary ,comprehension and pronunciation in English. Lots of quizzes and tests as well to test your level. They are supported with audio and video material : Good luck:)*
4 มิถุนายน 2010
Make lists of words you learned and categorize them, e.g words you use at the office , words you use at school, greetings etc.... - Keep a diary in English . Try to use the new words you learned to write and compose simple sentences .The more you add up to your vocabulary, the more you can form intricate ones. Test your level!. -Take a holiday abroad if you can afford in countries speaking English. It is an opportunity to practice with natives and learn more about the culture and people.You can sign up in language courses in those countries as well beside visiting its historical and monumental buildings and museums . You will be using guiding phrasebooks to help you get along there. The whole process will help you learn more words, expressions and practice speaking. All the above can help you improve your language. Intensifying your efforts will make you improve faster. Concentrating on whatever method you are applying will guarantee you a more steady improvement.
4 มิถุนายน 2010