Are there many calligraphy in the English and how to practics? I has seen some littles in the movie and film.The character is very beautiful.I want to know all about it.
5 เม.ย. 2011 เวลา 13:38
คำตอบ · 1
In English the term "calligraphy" refers to standard letters (of which there are 26 not counting loan words such as café) that are drawn in a fancy or old fashioned style. Calligraphy is an art form, there are many books published on it and some people even are calligraphers as a career. It can be old fashioned, like this Gothic script: http://www.royalhigh.edin.sch.uk/departments/departments/cdt/hgc_0607/calligraphy/carmel_calligraphy2a.jpg Or modern, like this wedding poem: http://calligraphy-uk.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/calligraphy-poem-005.jpg
5 เมษายน 2011