Do you want to learn counting in German? If so, stick to this guide to learn some of the basic tips to learn German counting from 0 to 1000. It will also include the guidelines by showing German number charts. You can learn German online with ease and comfort.
German counting may seem difficult but if you take the right guidelines, this learning journey can become easier for you. In this post, we will tell you about some of the easiest ways to learn, remember, and use German language counting. We will share with you the best way to learn German on your own.
German numbers from 1 to 100
Learning German counting from 1 to 100 comes in the basic category. The following German numbers chart is showing the counting in German from 1 to 100.
1 Eins | 11 Elf | 21 Einundzwanzig | 31 Einunddreiβig | 41 Einundvierzig | 51 Einundfünfzig | 61 Einundsechzig | 71 Einundsiebzig | 81 Einundachtzig | 91 Einundneunzig |
2 Zwei | 12 Zwölf | 22 Zweiundzwanzig | 32 Zweiunddreiβig | 42 Zweiundvierzig | 52 Zweiundfünfzig | 62 Zweiundsechzig | 72 Zweiundsiebzig | 82 Zweiundachtzig | 92 Zweiundneunzig |
3 Drei | 13 Dreizehn | 23 Dreiundzwanzig | 33 Dreiunddreiβig | 43 Dreiundvierzig | 53 Dreiundfünfzig | 63 Dreiundsechzig | 73 Dreiundsiebzig | 83 Dreiundachtzig | 93 Dreiundneunzig |
4 Vier | 14 Vierzehn | 24 Vierundzwanzig | 34 Vierunddreiβig | 44 Vierundvierzig | 54 Vierundfünfzig | 64 Vierundsechzig | 74 Vierundsiebzig | 84 Vierundachtzig | 94 Vierundneunzig |
5 Fünf | 15 Fünfzehn | 25 Fünfundzwanzig | 35 Fünfunddreiβig | 45 Fünfundvierzig | 55 Fünfundfünfzig | 65 Fünfundsechzig | 75 Fünfundsiebzig | 85 Fünfundachtzig | 95 Fünfundneunzig |
6 Sechs | 16 Sechzehn | 26 Sechsundzwanzig | 36 Sechsunddreiβig | 46 Sechsundvierzig | 56 Sechsundfünfzig | 66 Sechsundsechzig | 76 Sechsundsiebzig | 86 Sechsundachtzig | 96 Sechsundneunzig |
7 Sieben | 17 Siebzehn | 27 Siebenundzwanzig | 37 Siebenunddreiβig | 47 Siebenundvierzig | 57 Siebenundfünfzig | 67 Siebenundsechzig | 77 Siebenundsiebzig | 87 Siebenundachtzig | 97 Siebenundneunzig |
8 Acht | 18 Achtzehn | 28 Achtundzwanzig | 38 Achtunddreiβig | 48 Achtundvierzig | 58 Achtundfünfzig | 68 Achtundsechzig | 78 Achtundsiebzig | 88 Achtundachtzig | 98 Achtundneunzig |
9 Neun | 19 Neunzehn | 29 Neunundzwanzig | 39 Neununddreiβig | 49 Neunundvierzig | 59 Neunundfünfzig | 69 Neunundsechzig | 79 Neunundsiebzig | 89 Neunundachtzig | 99 Neunundneunzig |
10 Zehn | 20 Zwanzig | 30 Dreiβig | 40 Vierzig | 50 Fünfzig | 60Sechzig | 70Siebzig | 80Achtzig | 90Neunzig | 100Einhundert |
This table may be looking a bit scary to you. But now, we will share with you the technique to memorize counting in German. Some of the most basic language hacks will make it easier for you to learn German counting.
Learn how to count to 10 in German
The counting in German from 1 to 10 is as follows:
- Ein – “One”
- Zwei – “Two”
- Drei – “Three”
- Vier – “Four”
- Fünf – “Five”
- Sechs – “Six”
- Sieben – “Seven”
- Acht – “Eight”
- Neun – “Nine”
- Zehn – “Ten”
There are no major rules for these numbers but there is a trick to remembering them. The trick is that one particular no matter, if it comes before or after another number, sounds the same. For example, “eight” is in “eighteen”, “Twenty-eight”, “eighty”, and “eight hundred”, the same can be said for acht (“eight”) in German. “Achtzehn”, “achtundzwanzig”,”achtzig” and “achthundert”.
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Learn how to count to 20 in German
The eleven and twelve i.e. Elf (“eleven”) and zwölf (“twelve”) also do not have any particular rule. You are required to learn and memorize them.
The other German words from 13 to 19 take the first four letters of the number between three and nine
and add the word “zehn” or ten at the end: dreizehn (“thirteen”), vierzehn (“fourteen”), fünfzehn (“fifteen”), and so on.
Learn how to use German multiples of 10
All the numbers from 20 to 40 follow the same trick. They just take the first four letters of the number between one and ten and add the word “zig” to the end of each number.
- Vierzig (“forty”)
- Fünfzig (“fifty”)
- Echzig (“sixty”)
- Siebzig (“seventy”)
- Achtzig (“eighty”)
- Neunzig (“ninety”)
Twenty and thirty are different. Twenty in German is zwanzig, and thirty is dreiiβig. All the numbers that are greater than 20 follow the same pattern i.e. in English you say “thirty-four”. The biggest number is said first, followed by the smallest number. As if you’re reading the number left to right. In German, it is opposite to the pattern used in English.
This difference in the pattern seems difficult to some people but it eventually becomes easier with practice. The German natives are taught to write the second number first and then the first one. In the same way as when it is spoken, then place the first number before it. Practicing this may help you understand it too.
For your further information:
- Zero = Null (As in null and void)
- 100 = Einhundert
By using these tricks you can learn the counting in German from 1 to 100. You can master German counting with little focus, a bit of attention, and practice.
Learn to count from 100 to 1,000 In German
Following is the German number chart from 100 to 1000.
100 | Einhundert |
200 | Zweihundert |
300 | Dreihundert |
400 | Vierhundert |
500 | Fünfhundert |
600 | Sechshundert |
700 | Siebenhundert |
800 | Achthundert |
900 | Neunhundert |
1000 | Eintausend |
Filling in the gap between these numbers is simple. There are just a few things to remember in order to learn the count numbers between them.
1. You are always required to say the hundred number first.
2. Between 100 and 119 you say it the same way you would say it in English. So the number101 (one-hundred and one) becomes einhundertundein.
3. Once you get higher than 20 the number-swapping rule comes into effect, but only for the two-digit numbers. That means 176 (one-hundred and seventy-six) becomes einhundertsechsundsiebzig.
4. These rules apply throughout all the hundred words.
How to remember German numbers
Looking at all these German numbers, you must be thinking that it is very difficult to memorize these numbers. You must be thinking counting in German is one of the most difficult things to learn, but that is not the case.
Learning German counting helps a lot. For instance, if you have a German dog you will be requiring German counting to make him learn German dog commands.
There are few number words that are easy to memorize just like in the English language. You are just required to remember the English form and translate it. For example:
- Hundred -> Hundert
- Thousand -> Tausend
- Hundred Thousand -> Hunderttausend
- Million -> Million
The German numbers are a part of the branch of the language family tree called Germanic. Looking at the major European Germanic languages will make you realize that there are a lot of similarities in their spellings and pronunciation.
German | Dutch | English | Norwegian | Danish | Swedish |
Eins | Een | One | En | En | Ett |
Zwei | Twee | Two | To | To | Två |
Drei | Drie | Three | Tre | Tre | Tre |
Vier | Vier | Four | Fire | Fire | Fira |
Fünf | Vifj | Five | Fem | Fem | Fem |
Sechs | Zes | Six | Seks | Seks | Sex |
Sieben | Zeven | Seven | Sju | Syv | Sju |
Acht | Acht | Eight | Åtte | Otte | Åtta |
Neun | Negen | Nine | Ni | Ni | Nio |
Zehn | Tien | Ten | Ti | Ti | Tio |
If you look at the Old High German, you will see a lot of similarities that are still relevant and are highly used.
- Ein – “One”
- Zwene – “Two”
- Dri – “Three”
- Fior / Feor – “Four”
- Fimf – “Five”
- Sehs – “Six”
- Sibun – “Seven”
- Ahto – “Eight”
- Niun – “Nine”
- Zehan – “Ten”
German words beyond 10,000
When you successfully learn the counting in German to 1000, you can move ahead. For the numbers in the 10,000s, you are required to follow the two-digit number rules. These numbers follow in multiples of ten: zehntausend, zwanzigtausend, dreiβigtausend, and so on.
When the numbers change to have a second digit, like 87, this would then become siebenundachtzigtausend (seven and eighty-thousand). So when the number is 87,787 it would be siebenundachtzigtausendsiebenhundertsiebenundachtzig.
When you reach the 100,000’s you can then apply the rules for this, but with 100’s numbers. So 100,000 would be hunderttausend, 200,000 would be zweihunderttausend, 300,000 would be dreihunderttausend, and so on.
Following are the terminologies when you count higher numbers:
- Million: Million
- Billion: Milliarde
- Trillion: Billion
Learning German counting is not tough. All you are required to do is to practice it on daily basis. If you want to learn German in a more organized and systematic way, you can learn from an online German tutor on italki. Taking help from the tutor will enable you to learn German counting in lesser time. Plus, it will give you the opportunity to have real-time learning through daily exercise and practice sessions.
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Learning to count in German is not tough. You are just required to be consistent in your approach. Practice daily. Just stand in front of the mirror and repeat the German numbers that you learn daily. Allocate the time for this exercise. Learn 10 German numbers in a day and practice them at least two to three times. It will increase your grip on these numbers and their pronunciations.