Without a doubt, Christmas is one of the most enchanting times of the year, and Germany is one of the most captivating places to celebrate it. Countless Christmas traditions originated in Germany, so it only makes sense that we learn how to express ourselves in German during the holiday season. Wishing people Merry Christmas in German can unfold countless opportunities.
In this guide, we will explore some typical as well as modern ways to say Merry Christmas in German. Along with these, we will also explore some common German Christmas traditions. So, let’s get started!
How to say Merry Christmas in German
Merry Christmas
German: Frohe/Fröhliche Weihnachten
This is the most common holiday greeting of them all, you will probably hear this everywhere as the year comes to a close.
Happy holidays
German: Ein Frohes Fest! /Schöne Feiertage
This is another common holiday greeting that is a more general way to wish someone happiness. This is unquestionably a more inclusive greeting.
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Best wishes for the New Year
German: Alles Gute zum Neuen Jahr
This phrase is used just like you use it in the English language. Giving someone your best wishes for the New Year is one of the best gestures you can show. Learning different German sayings for Christmas will give you the chance to enjoy the occasion to its fullest and make some strong bonds and friendships with the people around you.
Other holiday phrases in German
Peace on Earth
German: Frieden auf Erden
Although it is used in songs it is still a very common phrase.
Christmas is a time to remember
German: Weihnachtszeit ist Erinnerungszeit
Christmas is always full of memories and joy, and this phrase points out just that. Use this phrase to enjoy the ending of the year to its fullest.
May all your wishes come true
German: Mögen sich all deine Wünsche erfüllen
Such a beautiful wish, isn’t it? Of course, we always want all of someone’s Christmas wishes to come true, and now you can tell them.
What do you want for Christmas?
German: Was wünschst dir zu Weihnachten?
This will help you with what you need to buy your loved ones and the people who truly matter.
I want… for Christmas
German: Ich wünsche mir zu Weihnachten…
This phrase allows you to tell your loved ones what they should get you. As Christmas is all about giving and receiving gifts, this phrase is super helpful.
I have a gift for you
German: Ich habe ein Geschenk für dich
You can use this phrase when you have a gift for someone.
Thank you for the gift
German: Danke für das Geschenk
You can use this to express your gratitude for any gifts you receive during the holidays.
You make Christmas merrier
German: Du machst Weihnachten festlicher
This is the perfect phrase to let someone know that they matter to you and that their presence makes you happy.
Kissing under the mistletoe
German: Küssen sich unter dem Mistelzweig
Perhaps you’re attempting to be romantic, or perhaps you’re teasing some lovebirds, but everyone understands the implications of this statement.
Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest and bless what you have bestowed
German: Komm, Herr Jesu; sei du unser Gast; und segne, was du uns beschert hast
This is a common table prayer that you will hear at almost every meal this season. There are several variations of this prayer, but they can vary depending on the person.
German: Prost
This is a common phrase that can be used in a variety of situations, such as sipping wine at a warm and reflective Christmas gathering or partying hard. It is almost mandatory for any kind of social drinking, so if you are invited to a holiday party with drinks, you will hear plenty of this.
Anticipation is the greatest joy
German: Vorfreude ist die schönste Freude
This saying perfectly describes holiday feelings, whether you are anticipating Christmas presents or preparing for the New Year. Nothing beats the rush of emotions that comes with the cold weather and the festive season.
I wish you a well-behaved Christ child
German: Ich wünsche dir/euch/Ihnen ein braves Christkind
To an English speaker, this may sound strange, but to wish someone a “well-behaved Christ child” is to wish good fortune and gifts for another person’s Christmas. Alternatively, a misbehaving Christ child would result in a rather gloomy December 25th.
If you want to become fluent in German, learning these phrases can help you in achieving your goal. Try learning as many sayings and phrases as you can. It will get you immersed in German culture and its people.
Here are some extra vocabulary words related to Merry Christmas in German:
– das Christkindl — the Christ child (this is where Kris Kringle comes from)
– der Christbaum/Tannenbaum/Weihnachtsbaum — Christmas tree
– der Heiligabend — Christmas Eve
– der Kranz — wreath
– das Weihnachtslied — Christmas carol
– der Weihnachtsmann — Santa
– die Weisen — Three wise men
Some common German Christmas traditions
Christkindlesmarkt: This is the Christmas market, a very important tradition throughout Germany, but the largest market can be found in Nuremberg. The Christmas markets are usually very cheerful and full of gifts, festive foods, and warm beverages for you to purchase.
Sankt Nikolaus Tag: This celebration, also known as Saint Nicholas Day, takes place on December 6 and features Saint Nikolaus handing out sweets and small gifts to children. Kids placed their shoes outside their door the night before to receive their treats.
Krampus: This is the creepy figure who follows Saint Nickolaus as he distributes gifts and scares the children with the threat of a spanking or kidnapping if they are misbehaving.
Gift Exchange: Germans exchange gifts on Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve: Christmas Eve celebrations typically include a holiday dinner, decorating the Christmas tree, and attending Mass.
Christmas Cards: In Germany, sending Christmas cards is a common practice.
Das Christkind: On December 24th, this is the angel who drops off gifts near the Christmas tree.
Frequently asked questions
Q. What do Germans do for Christmas?
A. Most people associate Christmas with candles, a Christmas tree, baking Christmas cookies, and shopping for presents.
Q. What is the most important Christmas tradition in Germany?
A. In Germany, people light four candles on an Adventskranz, or advent wreath, to commemorate the four advents, or Sundays before Christmas. A candle is lit on each of the four Sundays preceding Christmas Eve. The Christmas season officially begins after the first candle is lit.
Q. Who brings Christmas presents to German people?
A. The Christkind.
There are several ways to say Merry Christmas in German. Apart from this, Christmas Eve has several traditions in Germany. Knowing these phrases will help you understand German people and their culture in a better way.
Most of the learners wonder if is German easy to learn. Know that, learning a second language is a gradual process. You need to stick to your goal and drop everything that distracts you.
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