Why choose our business Japanese tutors?
Our Business Japanese tutors provide tailored lessons to enhance your workplace language skills, covering essential vocabulary, etiquette, and cultural insights, helping you communicate effectively and confidently in a corporate environment.
19.2k Lessons
⭐ Ejderha Sato ⭐
Scratch to Advanced, Teach in 🇬🇧, 🇰🇷, 🇯🇵, 23yrs EXP, 53,000 hrs offline and 19,300 hrs online ⭐ Tailored Japanese Lessons in English, Korean, or Basic Spanish/Italian ⭐ Comprehensive Support to Build a Strong Foundation for Mastery. I'm a native Japanese speaker from Nagano in Japan, who is currently living in South Korea. I had moved around a lot in my childhood. This enabled me to acquire not only standard Japanese but also several Japanese dialects. After traveling in Asia and Africa, I realized there are so many languages and cultures in this world. Since then, I have become a language enthusiast. Thus far, I have learned several languages, and this has helped me conduct easy-to-understand and customized classes for students with diverse language backgrounds.
1,087 Lessons
Awarded Top 1% Japanese Teacher on Italki★8 years of Teaching Experience at Japanese School★ 日本語教師になって8年目、 これまで日本語学校で、様々な国(中国、韓国、イギリス、フランス、イタリア、アメリカ、オランダ、オーストラリア、カナダ、ドイツ、ノルウェー、シンガポール、インド、タイ、ベトナム、キプロス、フィリピン、インドネシア、カンボジア、マレーシア、ブラジル、ペルー、メキシコ、ウクライナ、トルコ、パキスタン、ニューカレドニア、スリランカ、ミャンマーなど)から来たたくさんの学生を教えてきました。 JLPT(N1/N2/N3/N4/N5)の試験対策も経験豊富です。会話、文化、入門から上級まで、全てのレベルを教えられます。年齢問わず、子供から大人まで、教えた経験があります。直説法(日本語だけで教える)で教えます。 趣味は、大相撲観戦、ヨガ、書道、歴史、 外国語(韓国語・英語など)を勉強すること、 韓国ドラマや、中国ドラマを観ることです!(^ ^) 食べ物は、和食、イタリア料理、中華料理、フランス料理や、韓国料理も大好きです♪ 家では、和食の他に、パスタ、キムチチゲをいつも作っています(^_^) 出身は四国の香川県です。 京都、大阪、岩手、神奈川、埼玉に住んだことがあります^^ 一緒に楽しく日本語で話しましょう☆ よろしくお願いします(^_^) 【資格】 ■ 日本語教師養成講座420時間 修了 ■ 中学・高校教員免許 取得 【職歴】 ■日本語学校 日本語教師(関東地区) ■公立小学校 日本語指導員(6歳-12歳) ■中国・広州 日本語教師(オンライン) ■オンライン 日本語教師(italki) 【Instagram】 @nihongo_riko
1,420 Lessons
日本語は読めるけど、話すのが苦手な方、日本人に何度も聞き返されて辛い思いをしたことがある方、面接やプレゼンの練習をしたい方、敬語やビジネス会話を覚えたい方、文章の添削をしてほしい方、お待ちしています。 私はビジネスをリタイヤした後、何をしようかと考えていたとき、まず思い浮かんだことは、外国語を学んで海外の人たちと交流をするということでした。しかし、逆に、私が日本語を教えることによって、多くの外国の方が日本語を理解し、日本が好きになってくれることのほうが、私のためにも、日本語を学ぶ皆さんのためにも有意義だと考えて、日本語教師になりました。 When I was thinking about what I would do after retiring from business, the first thing that came to mind was to learn a foreign language and interact with people from other countries. However, I thought that it would be more meaningful for me and for people learning Japanese if I could help many foreigners understand the Japanese language and come to love Japan by teaching it to them.
298 Lessons
Speak Japanese confidently with an experienced business professional. While grammatical accuracy is important, I believe that connecting with and understanding others is key to meaningful conversations. My goal is to guide you in using Japanese as a tool for genuine connection, beyond just language structure. With my extensive background in business, I offer valuable insights into both professional and casual Japanese. I aim to help you build fluency and confidence, whether for work or daily interactions. True mastery comes from real-world practice and meaningful conversations. My teaching philosophy goes beyond words and grammar. While important, I prioritize connecting with people, understanding diverse perspectives, and communicating effectively.
1,429 Lessons
私は日本の1兆円企業で部門長を経験した、唯一の日本語教師です。ビジネス、大学院・会社の面接試験、論文作成、SDGs、プレゼンテーションにお取り組みの方、どうぞ歓迎いたします。 ⭐️1兆円企業で部門長を務めた唯一の日本語教師です。 ⭐️SDGs activities: I am working for Sustainable Development Goals No.1, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15; such as pro-bono teacher, paperless education, local community activities, providing educational resources to children without parents and mountain minorities. ⭐️I can help those who want to learn authentic business Japanese for job interviews at Japanese companies, promotions to management positions, etc. 🌟SDGs 目標達成のための活動に取り組んでいます。プロボノ活動や、ペーパーレス教育の推進、地域コミュニティ活動、両親のいない子や山岳地への教育資源の提供などです。 🌟本格的なビジネス日本語を勉強したい方、ビジネス現場でお困りの方、日本企業の入社面接を受ける方、マネージャーへの昇進・昇格面接を受ける方、プレゼンテーションでご活躍の方を、ご支援いたします。 🌟既存のコースに満足できない方、高IQの方も、歓迎いたします。お気軽にご連絡ください。
76 Lessons
Yuki S
+1400 hrs of experience / Professional Online Tutor/ I 'm here for you to help your learning !! 😊 My teaching carrier has started since 2021 and already experienced over 1,300 hours lessons. In 2021, I have passed Japanese language teaching competency test. I have been worinking in both Japanese company and global companies for over 15 years. These experiences have given me strong communication skills and a global perspective. I specialized in foreign language studies and related knowledge at university. Learning languages is my life's work. 2021年に日本語教育能力検定に合格し、オンライン専門の講師として日本語を教えています。これまでに、1300時間を超える経験があります。企業での勤務経験を活かし、仕事で使う日本語や、ワーキングホリデー来日前の準備など、多くの学習者のみなさまにレッスンをしてきました。 大学では外国語と関連知識を専門的に学び、言語に関する知識を深めました。
3,626 Lessons
Shun 日本語・中国語教師/進学・就職
★ Certified professional Japanese teacher (over 3200 lessons) -会说中文的专业日语教师- 名校大学(院)进学指导/专业HR面试和职业规划 英语TOEIC满分商学硕士教授日语 I am a native Chinese-Japanese professional teacher. I have been teaching Chinese and Japanese offline lessons for over 9 YEARS. I also like learning a new language, and I'm now learning French as well. I really hope to help you to improve your language skills through italki. And I am a foreign language teacher with four years of professional training. ◎Beginner, children OK ◎The Japanese company's employment guidance for foreign students. 我是中文日语双母语的专业中文和日语教师,我可以专业教授中文和日语的各个水平,无论您是什么水平我都可以找到适合你的方法,并且我拥有超过9年的教学经验,帮助很多学生快速而又顺利达到了他们的目标。同时由于我在世界500强企业担任超过8年的人事工作,主要负责招聘和企业内培训。我每天都要面试无数应聘者和担任培训工作。所以如果你想通过求职面试,我也能给出专业的建议。另外我对日本语能力考试也有丰富的经验,对于通过考试我也有自己独到的见解。
4,345 Lessons
🇺🇸➡︎🇯🇵➡︎🇩🇪 PhD🎓in Economics(経済学博士)📚Former college Lecturer(元大学講師・研究員)💼Executive(経営者) 🎉All my students will get 🎁Extra free time (5-10min)➕📝Detailed Study Feedback in PDF format ⭐️Education⭐️ 2018-2021 Ph.D.(博士)in Economics, Tokyo, Japan(日本・東京都) 2016-2018 M.A. (修士)in Economics, Tokyo, Japan(日本・東京都) 2011-2015 B.A. (学士)in Financial Engineering, Hokkaido, Japan(日本・北海道) ⭐️Certificates⭐️ TEFL Certification Certified Financial Planner Security Sales Representative Japanese Kanji Educator JLPT N1 level 180/180 J.Test Special A, 1000/1000 ⭐️Service⭐️ Academic English&Japanese✍🏻アカデミック英語・学術日本語 Research&Thesis Writing Guide🧑🏻🏫研究・論文作成指導 Editing&Publication Support📝英文校閲・校正・学術誌投稿支援 Business English&Japanese💼ビジネス英語・日本語 Interview/Presentation Prep👔面接・講演準備 Life counseling🌸人生相談
1,937 Lessons
ビジネスの場面や日常で自分の言いたいことを日本語で伝えたい人のサポーター 日本語教師養成講座420時間終了し、ビジネスで使う日本語やビジネスマナーを留学生に教えていました。現在はオンラインや対面で日本語を教えています。
2,212 Lessons
文章の添削をご希望の方、EJUやJLPTの対策が必要な方、会話力を高めたい方、文法をしっかり勉強したい方、皆さんお待ちしています。 私(わたし)は今(いま)、日本(にほん)で働(はた)く外国人(がいこくじん)の方(かた)たちに日本語(にほんご)を教(おし)えています。日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)の資格(しかく)も もっていますので、くわしく教(おし)えることができます。授業中(じゅぎょうちゅう)、わからないことがあったら、なんでも聞(き)いてください。何度(なんど)でも聞(き)いてください。わかるまで丁寧(ていねい)に説明(せつめい)します。 また、日本の会社(かいしゃ)で長(なが)く働いていましたので、ビジネス会話(かいわ)についても教えることができます。そのほか、みなさんの希望(きぼう)をお聞(き)きして授業をしますので、なんでもリクエストしてください。
4,540 Lessons
📺Live Streamer🟥100H Videos, Scripts👂In-depth Explicit Explanation💡Genki📙Pronunciation🗣面接練習 [Pitch Accent / Analytical Explanation /Conversation /Genki] 📣Lesson Frequency and Packages 〰️Less than once a week〰️ Self-learners can come to my class every now and then, and we can check your learning path while sustaining speaking opportunities. ⚠️If you are eligible, you can take 🟨Independent-Students-Package🟨 or 🟫Lower-income-countries-Package🟫. Otherwise, please take a single lesson. 〰️Take a lesson once a week〰️ 🟦 Comprehensible Input 🟦 🟧 Focus on Pronunciation 🟧 〰️Take a lesson twice or more a week〰️ 🟥 2+ lessons/week Package🟥 〰️💕Loyal Students Discount〰️ For students who have completed +50 lessons, I offer an additional 3~5% discount upon request.
3,565 Lessons
Beginner to Proficient welcome! Speaking, Business and Genki textbook. 16yrs biz, 5yrs teaching exp. 日本語の教師の資格を持っています。 日本とオーストラリアで15年以上ビジネスの経験(国際会議、海外出張含む)があります。敬語やビジネス日本語、面接も教えることがができます。 海外で生活している自分の経験から、教科書では習わない日本語学習をサポートします。 帰国子女の方、日本人のパートナーがいる方にも日本語の細かいニュアンスを教えることができます。 I am a qualified teacher of Japanese. I have more than 15 years corporate business experience in Japan and Australia. I can teach keigo (polite), business Japanese and help prepare for job interviews. Based on my own experience of living abroad, I can help you learn Japanese words and native-like phrases in conversation which are not taught in textbooks. I can also teach the nuances of Japanese language to native speakers returning home from oversees and those with Japanese partners. Teaching in English and Japanese.
807 Lessons
Taka in Japan
Quick Learning on Keigo | Conversation with Advice Note | Interview Preparation | Grammar with Books 1. I offer five types of lesson, as shown in the menu. I can modify and improve lessons to meet your expectations and requests. 2. In most types of my lessons, I provide a note of personalized corrections and advice to help you improve your skills more efficiently. 3. My grammatical lessons go with the textbooks Minna no Nihongo and Genki. If you use textbooks other than these two, please let me know.Even if you don't have textbooks in the initial stages, you can still start your lessons. I've prepared over 50 sets of PowerPoint tutoring slides.
694 Lessons
🌸Kids🌸English🌸粵語🌸JLPT N1-N5 🌸Qualified Japanese teacher 🌸1 year of teaching experience in Macau language school 🌸2 years of experience in online Japanese teaching 🌸+2,000 classes taught online 🌸具有專業日語教師資格 🌸在澳門語言學校有1年教學經驗 🌸線上日語教學2年經驗 🌸+2,000堂線上授課課程
1,265 Lessons
まさひろ Masahiro
JEES certified teacher with 38 years' business experience. 日本語教育能力検定試験は2020年に合格、日本語教師養成講座を2021年に修了しました。日本語を教える事は勿論、日本のビジネスマナーや、文化についても教える事ができます。ビジネスの場面でも対応できる、知的で正しい日本語を身につけましょう。 I passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2020 and completed the Japanese Language Teacher Training Course in 2021. As I have more than 30 years’ experience in business, I can help you learning not only Japanese language but also business etiquette and culture. Let us learn high-level and workplace Japanese that can be used even in the business scene. <Attention> Cancellation & Refund Policy If a student is more than 15 minutes late without any notification, the lesson will be regarded as a no-show and fee will not be refunded.
3,008 Lessons
Megumi Na
🌸Helping students achieve their goals (JLPT📚️ kids👦👧business💻️ dialect🐶shadowing🎧️ ) I started teaching on italki in May 2021 and ranked in the top 1% of Japanese tutors in 2022! With over 3,000 lessons in total scheduled to be completed within this month, I’m proud to have helped 90% of my students pass the JLPT who tried the exam through my italki lessons. Beyond italki, I have over 7 years of experience teaching Japanese, English, and math to Japanese students. In my italki lessons, I often provide 5-10 minutes of additional time for free after class and offer clear, detailed feedback to support my students’ growth. Teaching on italki is my passion!
1,247 Lessons
Current Japanese language teacher working at a language school.在语言学校工作的现职日语教师 Currently, Americans and Nepalis ,Vietnamese,also teach in schools, so any language is OK. Because,I use a lot of illustrations in my classes to teach. But,I can speak Chinese,explain Japanese grammar in Chinese. ---- 我有资格成为一名日语教师。 我在中国当了大约 10 年的日语老师。 现在我在日语学校里对美国人,尼泊尔人,越南人,中国人等教着日语, 什么样的国家来的学生也可以上课。 因为我上课时多使用图片解释语法以及做会话练习。 但是,我会说中文,可以用中文解释日语语法。
879 Lessons
Enjoy learning Japanese, from beginner to business levels! Experienced in corporate training courses I completed the 420-hour course to become a Japanese language teacher and passed the certification test in 2020. Currently, in addition to italki, I teach Japanese at elementary schools and companies. I have a lot of teaching experience, especially in business conversation and for children. I have also taught English grammar to Japanese children. ======= 日本語教師になるための420時間講習を修了し、検定に合格しました。 現在は、italki以外に、小学校や企業で日本語を教えています。 ビジネス会話や子供たち向けの授業経験が多くあります。 また、日本人の子供たちに、英文法を教えていた経験もあります。
3,693 Lessons
Ayano Vtuberproducer
I was a game company worker! I'm a top 1% italki teacher who teaches real (&otaku/Vtuber) Japanese! I teach real, natural and practical Japanese in very effective ways. I don't use unnatural Japanese such as 私の名前は (watashino namae wa) ! So you will be able to speak like native speakers! If you need to use English in our lesson, we can do so. No worries! However, let's use Japanese as much as possible for your learning, of course. Feel free to ask me other requests and questions!
13 Lessons
Certified Teacher (🇯🇵National Exam Pass) | 280+ Lessons | for SPEAKING,Travel,Business!⛷⛄️🌸 🌸【Latest Update❗️】I passed the National Japanese Language Teacher Exam on December 20, 2024! As one of the first certified teachers, I’m committed to helping students learn Japanese with passion and expertise. 🟠Important🟠 I mainly teach on another platform, not italki, where I have over 280 lessons of experience as a professional. If you don’t find a suitable time on my italki calendar, please feel free to contact me! ☺️ I excel at listening to people of all ages, from children to adults. 🔸the National Japanese Language Teacher Exam (on December 20, 2024) 🔸420-hour course of Teaching Japanese 🔸Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test 🔸 The Japan Kanji Aptitude Test -Grade 2