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随着环保题目日益占有国际讨论的焦点,人们为了缓解空气污染的危机想出很多新颖的主意,其中设立一个全球无车的日。我认为这个想法相对有效,它可以增加地球公民对这个问题的意识,给国有和私有工业使他们采取行动的义民和媒体压力,从而政客为了活得选票和人民之间人气不得不积极响应,并且立更截然的环保法律条款。 另一方面,设立这种的活动在一定程度上缺乏意义了,因为当代绝对多数的人有意识这个问题的严重性。如果我们纯粹为了减少空气污染而设立这样的活动,那大可不必,车辆只是污染空气的一个小小拼图的一块,飞机排除的尾气量比车辆要很多倍多,所以设立这一日只会给环保提倡者和政策专家们一种不实在的成就感,同时大型企业的老板们会找到到这里为止的借口,因此到头来这个主意可能会为稀有物种,北极白熊以及后代的人帮倒忙,甚至减少人类生存的可能性。
November 7, 2022
Well, I think, it's a rather strange way to stop the air pollution or just any other ecological problem just because it sounds too simple to be really effective. We produce so many exhaust fumes and just a day without using vehicles which function on fuel doesn't help. We need more deep actions, more organized and mature ones such as reducing the use of plastic or fuel, start to use reusable materials and technologies, do more activities in the field of waste sorting, etc. Also, as to the no-cars day, I suppose it will be even too inconvenient for humans. It may really stop the normal function of our society. Every day lots of people should move somewhere with the help of cars, buses, planes, trains and such a day can ruin their everyday plans. Even if someone needed help, the ambulance wouldn't come immediately
August 16, 2021
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