a sound Woman Counts for more than a sound man. Yet you are still trying to shift the blame to them! The less trouble the better. One upset less is preferable to one upset more. Misery loves company. adversity makes strange bedfellows. Company in distress makes trouble seem less. This floating life of ours is like a dream. “Many people in the world have had their feet amputated — Why do You Weep so piteously over it?” the man asked. He replied, “I do not grieve because my feet have been cut off. This is why I weep.” The king then ordered the Jeweler to cut and polish The Matrix, and when he had done so a precious Jewel emerged. Because Haley is a meticulous cleaner, every inch of her house is spotless. Henry is known for being very meticulous with his personal hygiene. That way we won't be remiss in our social obligations.
22 Thg 05 2024 04:12