Hi guys~🧐🧐🧐Are these two sentences right? 1.Now‘driving under the influence’ has replaced larceny and became the most prosecuted crime. 2. She has experienced a role shift in the family after the baby was born.
19 Thg 01 2021 08:12
Câu trả lời · 10
Yes, I think so. The sentence "driving under the influence" means "drunk", under influence of alcohol. And "role shift" means exchange of duties, in that case, the mom switched her duties to take care of the baby. I hope I helped you!
19 tháng 1 năm 2021
Sorry Both are correct.
19 tháng 1 năm 2021
2 Second is wrong
19 tháng 1 năm 2021
I would alter them slightly. 1. "Now, driving under the influence has replaced larceny and become the most prosecuted crime." (The comma after now is because the sentence can be complete without it. When that is the case, the sentence sections are separated with appropriate punctuation. No parentheses are required for driving under the influence.) 2."She has experianced a role shift in the family since the baby was born" if speaking in present tense. "She experianced a role shift in the family after the baby was born" if speaking in the past tense.
19 tháng 1 năm 2021
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