What's the difference between "economic " and "economical" ?
25 Thg 01 2021 19:51
Câu trả lời · 4
Economic means in relation to the economy, or the science of economics; how money flows etc. Economic situation of certain countries makes it difficult to find a job there. Economical means not wasteful. We use it to describe something that is not using unnecessary money, time, resources. Buying a used car is economical. Using public transport instead of taxi is economical. Washing clothes every day is not economical.
25 tháng 1 năm 2021
People before me provided great answers to you. As an additional piece of knowledge for you, I can tell you that the adverb "economically" is used for both economic and economical adjectives (keeping the difference in meaning of course).
26 tháng 1 năm 2021
Economic is all about how money works, but something economical is a good deal. You might take an economic studiesclass to understand the ebb and flow of cash in the world, but if you buy a used textbook for it, you're being economical. If you want an adjective related to the economy, economic is your word.
25 tháng 1 năm 2021
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