Gia sư cộng đồng
Language learning is not only about language learning, but also about getting to know the world and yourself. I'm Dinah, welcome to learn Chinese and open up a new world. 学习语言不只是在学习语言,更是在认识世界、认识自己。 Today's buzzword to share 今日热词分享 Versailles 凡尔赛 "Versailles," originally from the "Palace of Versailles" in French, was borrowed to describe the self-claimed aristocratic spirit. On social media, it is used to label humble-braggers 源自法国宫殿名称,在当下中国引申为一种自诩的贵族精神, 用来指有些人在朋友圈中以故作委婉、先抑后扬的话语方式,炫耀自己精致优雅、与众不同。 比如,有的人为了炫耀自己有钱,就会说,“我最近不得不搬家,因为有私人车库的别墅才有私人充电桩,特斯拉才能用”;”对种种“凡尔赛”,社交媒体评论区里各种羡慕、嫉妒、恨。
14 Thg 11 2021 11:00
Bình luận · 4
15 tháng 11 năm 2021
14 tháng 11 năm 2021