Air travel

Is it really worth listening to the safety demonstration telling you how to put your life jacket on ?


Is it really worth listening to the safety demonstration telling you how to put your life jacket on ? I dont know , sometimes when I get on in a plane i normally , I would prefer not thinking in that, but in my opinion when you are listening the demonstration how you have to put on the jacket life, I normally think is a stupid thing, because if you had an accident , i really sure I wouldn't save my life and neither the others passengers. THere to live, I suppose in case it would happen an aircrash , everyobody would died.

Why is there usually a big mirror when you are going through Customs?

I dont know , but perhaps it could be to check better your luggages.


Why can you sometimes smell roast chicken in a plane when they are serving you fish?


Why can you sometimes smell roast chicken in a plane when they are serving you fish? it could be the way to make them , the chef could be use the same oils and the same ingredients


17 Thg 11 2015 16:29
Bình luận · 1

The Knowlege about how to put on the jacket properly is the least thing you can do about the safety during flights. I don't know how many people have survived by using the jackets and masks but if it gives me even a little chance for survival I will definitely put on this stuff. 

17 tháng 11 năm 2015