Me tomé un ibuprofeno o tomé un ibuprofeno?


A veces escucho "me tomé un ibuprofeno" y a veces dicen "tomé un ibuprofeno".

Cual es la diferencia?

Tambien: Como vs Me como.

Sigo sin comprender la diferencia.

hay alguien que me pueda explicar eso?


8 Thg 05 2018 12:00
Bình luận · 3
I think that it is a matter of preference... but "Me" is a direct pronoun and it is not needed in this sentence because of the conjugated verb, the listener knows that it is you who took the ibuprofen.

I have talked to some Spanish speakers who tell me that the overuse of direct pronouns are indicative of native English speakers learning Spanish. I am told that this constant use of direct pronouns is redundant. Most Spanish speakers rely on the conjugated verb to understand who is doing what.

However, I am one of those people, Out of habit, as a native English speaker, using he, she, you, me is just natural....

Good luck on your language journey!

8 tháng 5 năm 2018
Es practicamente como decir lo mismo, me tome un ibuprofeno es mas formal que tome un ibuprofeno, yo lo entiendo mas bien dependiendo de con quien estemos hablando, por ejemplo si le das explicaciones a un doctor pues parece mas correcto que le digas "me tome un ibuprofeno" pero si hablas con alguien a llegado, amigo o familiar pues acortas la frase y la explicacion "tome un ibuprofeno", pero no te calientes la cabeza es practicamente lo mismo. bye 
8 tháng 5 năm 2018

It surely is a tricky part of Spanish grammar. It turns out that besides its usual role as a reflexive or reciprocal pronoun, "se" is often used in constructions where no reflexive or reciprocative meaning is intended at all. The meaning it conveys is in those cases dependant on the specific verb we're dealing with, and is hard to accurately explain. All that said, it most commonly imparts some idea of incipience or spontaneity on the part of the speaker; the latter means it's commonplace in casual conversation, and less so in the written language. Whatever the case, the nuances of meaning differ only slightly, and the instances where it occurs are better learned as idiomatic expressions.

Ella comía hamburguesas todos los días     (For some reason I don't know, idiomatic "se" can't be used when the object is a plural noun with no determiners preceding it)    

Ella (se) comía tres hamburguesas cada semana

(Me) iba a casa de mi abuela todos los días después de clases

(Nos) leímos el libro entero en solo tres horas

Leímos libros toda la noche

 Of course, not all verbs admit of this idiomatic use of "se" .  I hope you understand the grammatical parlance. In case you don't, I'm sorry, but I don't think I can explain this in lay terms

8 tháng 5 năm 2018