Expense I spent too much money this month. But I can't remember where I spent my money. The money always disappear secretly and quickly. It's obvious that someone(or something) steals my money periodically....... Anyway, I would better check my expense pattern and figure out what's the unnecessary point. Though I'm not sure that I can reduce it...
25 Thg 07 2014 01:52
Bài chữa · 1


I spent too much money this month.
But I can't remember where I have spent my money.
The money always disappear secretly and quickly.
It's obvious that someone(or something) steals my money periodically.......

Anyway, I would better check my expense pattern and figure it out what's the unnecessary point.
Though I'm not sure that I can reduce it...

25 tháng 7 năm 2014
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