Andrew Zhao
English Idioms (Updated Continuously) I like idioms, which are the essence of languages. 1. I'm hitting the hay /he/(干草)---I'm going to bed. 2. Hold your horses---Take it easy / Slow down. 3. Have / Take a cat nap---Have a break / Take a rest. 4. A couch potato---Someone who spends lots of idle /ˈaɪdl/ time sitting on the coach and watching TV.
14 Thg 08 2014 03:17
Bài chữa · 47

English Idioms (Updated Continuously)

I like idioms.  which They are the essence/soul of languages.

1. I'm hitting the hay /he/(干草)---I'm going to bed.
2. Hold your horses---Take it easy / Slow down/Wait for a while
3. Have / Take a cat nap---Have a short break / Take a short rest/ take a short and light sleep.
4. A couch potato---Someone who spends lots of idling his  /ˈaɪdl/ time away by sitting on the couch and watching TV.

14 tháng 8 năm 2014
47. stick to one's last---唐朝大画家载嵩以画牛知名,可是,《东坡题跋》卷五却记载了宋朝一位牧童对载嵩一幅斗牛图的批评∶“牛斗力在角,尾搐(夹)入两股间;今乃掉尾(翘起尾巴)而斗,谬矣!”这位牧童对牛的认识比载嵩深,当然有资格批评了。古希腊名画家阿佩利斯(Apelles)画的一幅人像,也遭到一名鞋匠批评,说鞋带画得不对,阿佩利斯依言改正了。可是,那鞋匠不知高低,跟着又批评人像双脚画得不好;阿佩利斯于是对他说∶“你只管自己本行好了--鞋子的一切你是认识的,解剖学却不是你懂得的了。这就是英文成语a cobbler should stick to his last(鞋匠不应离开鞋楦)或stick to one's last的来源了。Last这里不解作“最后”,而是指做鞋子模型的木楦。人们现在一般用这成语来说“守自己本分”或“不要多管闲事”【Now stick to your last and don't tell me how to do my work.】
22 tháng 5 năm 2015
46. put sth. on the back burner---talk about sth. later【A: You know, I've been thinking about time travel again. B: Did you hit a roadblock with invisibility? A: Put it on the back burner. Let's talk about this first.】
16 tháng 4 năm 2015
45. strictly from hunger---一個人或一樣東西質量很差,但是由於沒有其他選擇而被迫接受了【My sister told me the music was good but the guys there were strictly from hunger.】
29 tháng 12 năm 2014
44. bait and switch---a trick【The ad claimed the shop was selling the videos at a price so low it was hard to believe. So I hurried there but it was a case of bait and switch - the clerk said the cheap ones were all sold out and he tried to sell me other videos at a much higher price.】
29 tháng 12 năm 2014
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