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English Practice Reason for Studying Abroad People study abroad for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to have a cultural exchange, to learn new ideas that can be applied in one’s country of origin and to improve the foreign languages that one studies. Cultural exchange is a valuable experience that broadens one’s horizons. Getting to know other cultures improves one’s general knowledge. Furthermore, it gives one the opportunity to understand the perspectives and opinions of other people that have different traditions from one’s. The ability of understanding other cultures is highly appreciated in the globalized context where we live, especially when it comes to doing business. Therefore, it is a plus for one’s resume that shows that one as a worker can easily adapt to any environment at a workplace in a different country or working in a team with members from different countries. Students also choose to study abroad to learn about new ideas, methods and skills that they can apply in their countries once they go back. The application of these concepts in a new environment depicts an innovation in the countries where it is used for the first time, and it is likely to benefit these communities. Many well-known leaders of my country have studied abroad and have copied the ideas they learned being successful at the imitation most of the time. Finally, the best way to improve the knowledge of a language is by immersing oneself in an environment where one’s target language is spoken. By talking to native speakers and listening to them speaking, one’s language skills will improve a lot. I think all of these are reasons why some students go for studying outside of their countries.
23 Thg 08 2014 00:00
Bài chữa · 2

     People study abroad for <em>many</em> different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are:  cultural exchange; <em>gaining </em>ideas <em>for application</em> in one’s country of origin; <em>improvement of </em><em>language skills</em>. 

     Cultural Exchange is a valuable experience <em>which</em> broadens horizons. <em>Familiarization with</em> other cultures improves one’s knowledge<em>, and provides opportunities</em> to understand the perspectives and opinions of <em>foreign</em> traditions. The <em>appreciation of foreign </em>cultures is <em>important</em> in the globalized <em>world </em> we live <em>in</em>, especially when it comes to business. <em>It is an important addition to</em> one’s resume <em>because it</em> shows that one <em>has experience</em> <em>adapting</em> to <em>environments</em>.

     <em>New Ideas</em> <em>are defined as foreign </em>methods and skills that <em>may be applied in the workplace of the student.</em> The <em>sharing </em>of concepts in <em>varying</em> environments may <em>provide beneficial innovation to the student's country of origen. </em>Many <em>Colombian </em>leaders have <em>sucessfully </em><em>applied concepts</em> learned <em>while studying abroad. </em> 

     <em>Language Skills are improved when the student is immersed</em> in an environment where <em>the</em> target language is spoken. Talking <em>and listening </em>to native speakers <em>vastly improves the student's competancy</em>.

     <em>Cultural exchange, new ideas, and language improvement are important aspects of higher education.</em>


<em>     Buen documento argumento. Su uso de la voz en tercera persona es excelente. He editado y formateado esta para proporcionar un ejemplo de "otra forma" para escribirla.</em>

23 tháng 8 năm 2014
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