我在很多地方有亲戚。 Word order, word order, word order, here we go again... 语序,语序,语序 和 语序。 我在很多地方有亲戚。 我的妈妈住在爱尔兰。两个表哥在妈妈附近住在。一个阿姨也很近住在。我们从北边的爱尔兰来的。北边爱尔兰离苏格兰很近。我以前在苏格兰有阿姨和表弟和表妹。但是在苏格兰找到工作很难。所以他们都现在住在英国。我的姑姑和别的表妹也住在英国。我的舅舅也以前住在苏格兰。但是他离婚了,他现在住在澳大利亚。 我的妻子是西班牙人。她在秘鲁有很多亲戚。而且我的妹妹的男朋友是阿根廷人。 我也在美国有亲戚但我不认识他们。 I have relatives in a lot of places. My mother lives in Ireland. 2 cousins live near her. An aunt is also near her. We come from the north of Ireland. The north of Ireland is near Scotland. So I used to have 2 cousins and an aunt in Scotland. But it is hard to find work in Scotland so now they all live in England. My father’s sister and another cousin also live in England. My mother’s brother used to live in Scotland but he divorced and now he lives in Australia. My wife is Spanish, she has a lot of relatives in Peru. As well as that her sister’s boyfriend is Argentinian. I also have a lot of relatives in America but I have never met them. (我自知中文水準淺薄, 若不練習何能精進?)
26 Thg 08 2014 06:33
Bài chữa · 6


Word order, word order, word order, here we go again...

语序,语序,语序 和 语序。

我的妻子是西班牙人她在秘鲁有很多亲戚。而且我妹妹的男朋友是阿根廷人。 我在美国有亲戚但我不认识他们。
I have relatives in a lot of places. My mother lives in Ireland. 2 cousins live near her. An aunt is also near her. We come from the north of Ireland. The north of Ireland is near Scotland. So I used to have 2 cousins and an aunt in Scotland. But it is hard to find work in Scotland so now they all live in England. My father’s sister and another cousin also live in England. My mother’s brother used to live in Scotland but he divorced and now he lives in Australia.
My wife is Spanish, she has a lot of relatives in Peru. As well as that her sister’s boyfriend is Argentinian. I also have a lot of relatives in America but I have never met them.


Word order Word order Word order Word order Word order

Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation Punctuation

Very good writing Very good writing Very good writing Very good writing



26 tháng 8 năm 2014

我在很多地方有亲戚。This sentence is correct. However, it would be humourous if you write:我的亲戚遍布全球--my relatives are all around the globe!

Word order, word order, word order, here we go again...

语序,语序,语序 和 语序。

我的妈妈住在爱尔兰。两个表哥在妈妈附近住在。两个表哥住在我妈妈家(的)附近。The characters in brackets  are those that won't affect the meaning whether you add it or not. For simplicity, I prefer not adding 的. The word order in this sentence is almost the same as in English.

If not adding 家, it would be a little confusing.

My cousins live [near my mother's house]. 住在+the place. Here the place refers to 我妈妈家附近.


我们从北边的爱尔兰来的。To be simpler, you can write:我们来自北爱尔兰。


我以前在苏格兰有阿姨和表弟和表妹阿姨、表弟和表妹, better not use two "和" in short parellel phrases. It sounds redundant to me. Try to use the combination of "、" and "和" if you want to list over 2 parellel phrases.

但是在苏格兰找工作很难。For simplicity,但是在苏格兰找工作很难/在苏格兰很难找工作

所以他们都现在住在英国。现在都--word order: time adverb+都. It sounds more natural to me.

我的姑姑和别的表妹也住在英国。我姑姑和其他表妹 --别的表妹 somewhat sounds emotionally remote to my ears.

我的舅舅也以前住在苏格兰。以前也 same order as 现在都, time comes first.


我也在美国有亲戚但我不认识他们。 我在美国也有亲戚,但我不认识他们

我不认识他们 means you don't even know them, or can't recognize them. If you mean "you have never met them in person", it should be 但我从没见过他们.
I have relatives in a lot of places. My mother lives in Ireland. 2 cousins live near her. An aunt is also near her. We come from the north of Ireland. The north of Ireland is near Scotland. So I used to have 2 cousins and an aunt in Scotland. But it is hard to find work in Scotland so now they all live in England. My father’s sister and another cousin also live in England. My mother’s brother used to live in Scotland but he divorced and now he lives in Australia.
My wife is Spanish, she has a lot of relatives in Peru. As well as that her sister’s boyfriend is Argentinian. I also have a lot of relatives in America but I have never met them.

(我自知中文水準淺薄, 若不練習何能精進?)


It is interesting that you have so many relatives in different countries. In China, people are much less mobile. Take myself for example, my parents would like me to marry a guy in the same city or at least in the same province.

26 tháng 8 năm 2014
Hi, Sorry I didn't see your comment here until now. My italki notifications are bit strange. Using 'here, here' to express agreement is typical for formal debates in England, like in the parliament or in high level universities. In normal life it sounds very high class. But in the correct context (formal debates, speeches, etc.) it is very usual.
2 tháng 9 năm 2014
罗斯,你好。我想请教您一个问题。我看《唐顿庄园》里,一个人发言后,其他人说“here, here”表示同意。是“here”这个词吗?这种表达方式的来历是怎样的?谢谢。
27 tháng 8 năm 2014
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