Buy the book Last year I quarreled with my wife. She said that I spent mach money for books. I comprehended that she was right and I was promis that i did not buy books.
27 Thg 08 2014 15:13
Bài chữa · 3

Buy the book

Last year I quarreled with my wife. She said that I spent too much money for books. I comprehended лучше сказать realized, comprehended очень формальное слово that she was right and I promised that I would not buy books.


В последней фразе два действия идут сразу одно за другим: comprehended/realized и promised. Поэтому они оба должны быть в прошедшем времени (Past Simple). Прошедшее время от to promise - просто promised. I was promised означает что-то вроде "меня обещали".


I would not buy books - это так называемое Future in the Past, конструкция, которая появляется при описании планов на будущее, которые имели место в прошлом.


'I will not buy books', I promised. - В этой фразе дана ваша прямая речь.

I promised I would not buy books. - Здесь will превращается в would из-за того, что всё действите происходит в прошлом.

В настоящем времени фраза выглядела бы так:

I promise that I will not buy books.


А вообще - жалко вас мне стало, сама постоянно спускаю деньги на книги :(((

27 tháng 8 năm 2014

Buy the Book Buying

Last year I quarreled with my wife. She said that I spent mach too much money for on books. I comprehended agreed that she was right and I was promised  that i did not to buy anymore. books.


I would tell her should I spend my money on Vodka and women?  Should I buy your more dresses to wear so that I can wine and dine you? LOL

27 tháng 8 năm 2014
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