蒙學漢文初階 第一百十四課 Beginning Chinese - Entry Level Lesson #114 雀在田中覔食 bird at padi_field middle seek food 網獲其一 net capture/obtain of one 置於籠中 place into cage inside 不食而死 not eat and die 夫雀飛天空 [see comment] bird fly sky space 上下可以自由 up down can because [see comment][see comment] 為人所獲不自由 because man which obtain not [see comment] [see comment] 毋寧死矣 none/no rather die ah Birds were seeking food in the padi fields. One was netted and place inside a cage. It refused food and died. Alas, birds flying in the sky, everywhere they can be free. Alas, because of man had captured it and lost its freedom, it would rather die [than to eat]. Notes: 1. The original character use was (See attached photo) , a variant or how it is used in Chinese calligraphy. 2. 夫 = husband is the most common meaning. The other is an noble title use for its profession, for example, 樵夫 one who cuts wood i.e. woodcutter, one of the Four Noble Professions (漁樵耕讀) in ancient China. 大夫 a great man i.e. an older term for a ministerial position or a doctor. Nowadays mainly used for those trained in Chinese medicine. Even so, it is rare we would say中醫. Another meaning is "this", "that", "he", "she", "they". As a final particle, it is equivalent to the English use of the interjection mark. In this case, as an initial particle, it introduces an opinion. 3. This is another example of compound words that cannot be split up as its literal meaning is not evident. 自由 "Self cause"/"from oneself" aka "freedom".
29 Thg 09 2014 20:04
Bài chữa · 7
2 tháng 10 năm 2014
玄武門之变, 殺兄迫父禪.
2 tháng 10 năm 2014
2 tháng 10 năm 2014
虽然如此, 這些想法是書呆子說的, 我看李世民在未登基時不会這样想的 :) 做了皇帝才会这样說吧
1 tháng 10 năm 2014
by moder standards 上面的观点存在问题,但是它表现了古人的一种气节,人生在世的目的不同,有的人为了满足“温饱”,有的人为了“精神”而活着,有的人为了“灵魂”而生存......,” 志士不饮盗泉之水,廉者不受嗟来之食“讲的是那些为了”精神世界“而生存的人。
1 tháng 10 năm 2014
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