Rachel Boyce
Giáo viên chuyên nghiệp
Just 1 sentence... I gave my husband a bottle of wine to drink at the party. Я далa моему мужу бутылку вина выпить в партии. I – nominative (subject) my husband – dative (indirect object) a bottle – accusative (direct object) of wine – genitive at the party – prepositional Correct?
11 Thg 11 2014 11:33
Bài chữa · 3

I gave my husband a bottle of wine to drink at the party.
На вечеринке я позволила своему мужу выпить бутылку вина. (The reflexive possessive adjective свой, for example: ‘I love my house.’ - Я люблю свой дом, but NOT Я люблю мой дом).

I – nominative (subject)

my husband – dative (indirect object)

a bottle – accusative (direct object)

of wine – genitive

at the party – prepositional


11 tháng 11 năm 2014
Everything is correct but the translation of "at the party" - на вечеринке (партия - it's a political group, вечеринка - like birthday's party)
27 tháng 11 năm 2014

Just 1 sentence...

I gave my husband a bottle of wine to drink at the party.
Я далa моему мужу бутылку вина выпить в партии.

I – nominative (subject)

my husband – dative (indirect object)

a bottle – accusative (direct object)

of wine – genitive

at the party – prepositional



Привет! Да, почти правильно.

Но лучше сказать так: На вечеринке я дала моему мужу бутылку вина.

11 tháng 11 năm 2014
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