busy days I am very busy these days and I don't have much time to learn English. I feel sorry for language partners because they sent me lots of messages but I didn't replay to them very soon. I hope I can be free next week, so that I have enough time to learn English. I am glad I made some new friends through this website. And everyone is nice to me while my English is poor . I believe that I will be better on learning English. 最近上班事情有點多,下班回到家之後都有點晚了,也沒有多餘的心力去學習英文和日文, 有種世事難預料的感覺,很有動力想要學習英文的時候,卻被其他更重要的事情擋住。 心有餘而力不足,唉。希望我下禮拜能多一點空閒的時間,讓我好好學習語言。
28 Thg 11 2014 07:05
Bài chữa · 1

busy days

I am very busy these days and I don't have much time to learn English.
I feel sorry for my language partners because they sent me lots of messages but I didn't replayreply to them very soon.
I hope I can be free next week, so that I have enough time to learn English.

I am glad I made some new friends through this website.
And everyone is nice to me while my English is poor .
I believe that I will be better on about learning English. <<'better about learning English' means that you will study more.  If you want to say you will learn more effectively, you can say 'I will learn English better'.  Here, the word order is important.



Nice entry!  I understand how you feel.  I will be moving to Taiwan next year, so I am trying to learn Mandarin.  我也說慢的。If you want to practice with me, let me know!  Otherwise, good luck and keep trying your best!! :)

28 tháng 11 năm 2014
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