Translation is intresting I found translation is an interesting subject because in translating a text, I have to find the equivalent words in the target language text. For example: "Place an order" means to order something. In Bahasa Indonesia, there is a lot of words that can be used to describe the meaning of "place" (v): menempatkan, meletakkan, menaruh, etc. and "order" (n): pesanan, urutan, perintah, etc. If I blindly (without knowing the aspects of translation: lexicon, grammatical, cultural context, communication situation) translate it into "Menempatkan pesanan", it doesn't transfer the meaning clearly in Bahasa Indonesian, moreover, it confuses the reader because it has double meaning such as "to put your order on the table (for example)" and "to order something". So, to produce a good translation I have to consider the four aspects of both languages (source & receptor). As for me, the translation of "Place an order" is "melakukan pemesanan", though in English "melakukan" can be translated into "do, make, etc. I still remember the first book that I tried to translate, Oliver Twist, I couldn't finish to translate it, because at that time I hadn’t learned about translation yet. :D
28 Thg 11 2014 16:47