Can you help me to follow this video? last part of How the coalition government works(UCL) It's from 2:10 to 4:10 on this notebook entry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VstCBXBTZdo 2:10 As one interviewee said to us, what we have is coalition government not a coalition parliaments. The government continues to get away at least a moment, and that's because the coalition has majority in Commons and has much larger numbers in laws, much larger than the new level government had, and that just allowed them to pass the significant legislation for instance the health, social care, acts, and something they may have not been passed, errr... not for the coalition. 2:42 Federal of Dans the first year, they chose to at his loyalty to the government. By the end of the first year, big enter realize that would be overshadowed by conservative partner, so they shifted to a more explicit policy of pie defreeziation(?), but it's not clear on not the literal has literally understood this and let this fly at the moment. But lupudus(?) alone, the conservative two are little bit worried about the party the sinfuness(?). 3: 15 For them, they are more worried about literring down about the policies(?), and it's quite noticible Davin Katherin Franks has had to break franks and saw this idea of conservative prime minister, most notibly at the idea of refurandum, and more recently the end of 2011, overal veto on Chengdu European treaty. 3:38 I think so far the coalition had worked so well. They had really good close-working relationships between ministers of the two coalition parties, they got extremely closeful relationships at the top, and they followed the golden rule of good faces and no surprises,. They keep each other fully informed and consert(?) each other in advance so identify any other advancements(?), and they cut each other some slack(?) when they see other parties in some kind of difficulty. 4:10
31 Thg 01 2015 08:16