can technology change education? iam really interesting in knowing what are the factors that can shape education system and in what way? due to the popularity of online courses, some people would choose to learn a foreign language online whereas others prefer face to face teaching method?
26 Thg 04 2015 11:38
Bài chữa · 2
Learning face to face is great if it's 1 on 1, but in a group class I don't feel it's worth doing. Classes have their benefits, as they force some commitment, and the environment of the class can help benefit. As well as finding study buddies, and asking questions to the teacher. When you study by yourself/or online you have to rely on the information you're reading to be true, and many other negative things. Although I still study online because there are websites like this, so I know I can't be making huge studying mistakes, and I can simply ask questions I have on here.
26 tháng 4 năm 2015

can technology change education?

I am really interested in knowing what are the factors that can shape the education system and in what way? Due to the popularity of online courses, some people would choose to learn a foreign language online, whereas others prefer face to face teaching methods.

26 tháng 4 năm 2015
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