Jaime Oliver
Transports Which ways of travelling do you use most often? I use bus, bicycle, car and go on foot. When do you use them? I use bus, when I want to go at university. I use bicycle, when I want to buy the bread in the morning. I use car, when I go to my work. Finally, I use go on foot when I want to walk and doing something sport. Which forms of transport have you never used? I have never use camel, helicopter, hot-air balloon, lorry, elephant, horse, hovercraft and ferry. Which would you like to try? I would like to try helicopter and hot-air balloon, because I would like to fly.
4 Thg 07 2015 09:01
Bài chữa · 1


Which ways of travelling do you use most often?
I use bus, bicycle, car, and go on foot.
When do you use them?
I use a bus when I want to go to a university. I use bicycle when I want to buy bread in the morning. I use car when I go to my work. Finally, I go on foot when I want to walk and play sports.
Which forms of transportation have you never used?
I have never used a camel, helicopter, hot-air balloon, lorry, elephant, horse, hovercraft, and ferry.
Which would you like to try? I would like to try helicopter and hot-air balloon because I want to fly.

("Want" sounds more natural.)


Great job on your sentences! Keep up the good work! :)

5 tháng 7 năm 2015
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