Forrest Tung
Thank you for correcting my English writting.... Just now, I accepted 2 writing-correctings from 2 sweet italki friends. To my surprise, they both have a comment for my English at the end, and they are very encouraging, so thank you so much. I find it effective to write something in the language what you learning for, practice it and think about it, and then correct it to find the mistake, so make the progress. I want to speak an influency English very much, in my not longer future, I want to be a business woman who can communicate with the foreigners and do the business with them. I will learn English from you carefully and hard. Thanks!
29 Thg 07 2015 13:31
Bài chữa · 4

Thank you for correcting my English writing....

Just now, I accepted 2 writing corrections from 2 sweet italki friends. To my surprise, they both gave a comment about my English at the end, and they were very encouraging. Thank you so much.
I find it effective to write something in the language I am learning, practice it, think about it, correct it to find the mistake, and in this way make progress.
I very much want to speak fluently in English. In my not distant future I want to be a business woman who can communicate with foreigners and do business with them.
I will learn English from you carefully and seriously. Thanks!


(( Good luck! :) ))

30 tháng 7 năm 2015
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