Maria Felix
Running Nowdays it seems running is in style. In fact I've been runnig from my younguest days, I guess from when I was ten years old. Of course I've had periods in my live where I've stopped practice, but I always return. I know than styles go and back and I've never guided my life for the most fashion topics in each moment, but I think running is a good style to adopt, It's healthy, easy to do, cheap, and a very unstressed activity. When I've had an stressed day, I use to run outdoor for an hour, and when I return home, stress has dissapeared, it's magic :).
26 Thg 11 2015 18:39
Bài chữa · 2
Thank you very much Paul, it's very useful :)
26 tháng 11 năm 2015


Nowdays it seems running is in style.
In fact I've been running since I was young, I guess from when I was ten years old. Of course I've had periods in my life where I've stopped practicing, but I always start again.

I know than styles come and go and I've never guided my life for the most fashion topics in each moment, but I think running is a good style to adopt, It's healthy, easy to do, cheap, and a stressless activity. When I've had an stressful day, I run outdoors for an hour, and when I return home, my stress has dissapeared/gone, it's magic :).




If you want more help, add me :)

26 tháng 11 năm 2015
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