2024/5/21 I watched a video of Masasi Yanagisawa who is sleep scientist on YouTube. It was so interesting. He said "We are defenseless when we are asleep. However, sleep function didn't become obsolete during the course of evolution. So, sleep function could have more advantage for us." on the video. The idea never crossed my mind at all until watch the video!!
21 Thg 05 2024 00:02
Bài chữa · 3
2024/5/21 I watched a video of Masasi Yanagisawa who is a sleep scientist on YouTube. It was so interesting. He said "We are defenseless when we are asleep. However, sleep function didn't become obsolete during the course of evolution. So, sleep function could have more advantages for us." in the video. The idea never crossed my mind at all until I watched the video!!
21 Thg 05 2024 21:50
2024/5/21 I watched a video on YouTube of Masasi Yanagisawa who is a sleep scientist. It was so interesting. He said: "we are defenseless when we are asleep, however, the sleep function didn't become obsolete/didn't disappear during the course of evolution, so this function may present more advantages for us.". This idea had never crossed my mind at all until I watched the video!!
21 Thg 05 2024 09:10
2024/5/21 I watched a video of Masasi Yanagisawa who is a sleep scientist on YouTube. It was so interesting. He said, "We are defenseless when we are asleep. However, sleep function doesn't become obsolete during the course of evolution. So, sleep functions could have more advantages for us." on the video. The idea never crossed my mind at all until I watched the video!
That's so cool! It's my first time finding out about this as well. Thanks for sharing, Kiko!
21 Thg 05 2024 00:46
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