24/365 I'm studying information technology to find a new career pathway. It's kind of difficult for me to grasp the content of every lecture since I haven't had any experience in this field. I've got to spend a lot of time finishing every assessment. Occasionally, it drove me crazy and I felt so upset that it occured to me to give this course up. After thinking about it calmly, I've been still learning it until now.
28 Thg 09 2021 11:54
Bài chữa · 2
24/365 I'm studying information technology to find a new career pathway. It's kind of difficult for me to grasp the content of every lecture since I haven't had any experience in this field. I've got to spend a lot of time finishing every assessment. Occasionally, it has driven me crazy and I have felt so upset that I considered giving this course up. However, after thinking about it calmly, I've decided to continue it.
Hi great paragraph, very natural. Because you used occasionally, it makes more sense to use it has driven me etc. as it has happened more than once. Also if it is more formal, I would also change [I've got to spend...] to [I have to spend...]. Hope this helps! :)
28 tháng 9 năm 2021
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