"I love apple." or "I love apples." Can I say "I love apple."? Cause I heard some guy sing like that, But I think it should be "I love apples." I'm really confused. So I come here and ask for your help. Which is the right one? Or both OK? Many thanks^_^
29 Thg 11 2012 07:40
Câu trả lời · 5
If you said, "I love apple.", you would be talking about the taste or flavour, rather than a single apple. You would probably add something such as "I love apple flavoured yoghurt." If you were talking about eating whole apples, you would need the plural because it is generally speaking and apples are countable nouns.
29 tháng 11 năm 2012
"I love apples." - (the fruit) is correct. Put countable things in plural form, to talk about them generally. "I love Apple." - (the business) is also correct. We would know you mean the business from the context. "I love apple pie." - is correct. In this compound noun, "apple" has an adjective position, and doesn't take a plural.
29 tháng 11 năm 2012
"I love apples" or "I love eating an apple" is correct.
29 tháng 11 năm 2012
I love grapes!
26 tháng 1 năm 2019
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