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What is the best way to say 'sneaky' in Chinese in this context? What is the best way to say 'sneaky' in Chinese in this context? In my recent journal about getting children to eat fruit and vegetables, I tried to say 'a sneaky way to get children to eat fruit and vegetables.' I used the word '狡诈', however, on another site, someone said this a derogatory word in Chinese, and wasn't really suitable in this context. They sadly didn't offer an alternative. What is the best way to say sneaky in situations like this? How would you translate ' 'a sneaky way to get children to eat fruit and vegetables.'?
19 Thg 04 2014 08:42
Câu trả lời · 4
In Chinese, the emotional coloring of a word can be either commendatory or derogatory decided by the context. Normally, you can use the same word in quite different circumstances. So you can use "狡诈", a common derogatory word, or "聪明", a commendatory word, to describe "a sneaky way". For your consideration, I think "狡诈"is not only correct and precise, but also make the sentence more colorful and vivid. 中文单词的感情色彩可以依据你表达的不同而不同。因此,你会经常看到同样的词被用在截然不同的句子中。在你的问题中,你可以将a sneaky way翻译为用褒义词表述的"聪明的方法",也可以翻译为贬义词表述的"狡诈的方法"。我认为"狡诈的方法"能够很好地表达你的意思,也使得句子更加生动活泼、丰富多彩。
19 tháng 4 năm 2014
sneaky is a derogatory word, maybe you can use coax, means: 我哄着他们吃水果和蔬菜
19 tháng 4 năm 2014
in this context, you can use 我耍了点小伎俩哄骗他们把蔬菜和水果给吃了。
19 tháng 4 năm 2014
maybe you can say 用”哄骗“的方法来让孩子吃水果和蔬菜
19 tháng 4 năm 2014
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