Ruby Chen
"Do you have a VISA card?" "Have you a VISA card?" do they have the same meaning?
26 Thg 07 2014 01:52
Câu trả lời · 3
They do have the same meaning. 'Have you a...' was more common in older forms of British English, but you're very unlikely to hear it now. 'Do you have a...' or 'have you got a..." are typical in both UK and US English.
26 tháng 7 năm 2014
Yes. They have exactly the same meaning. In the U.S. "Do you have a VISA card?" is more common. To my ears "Have you a VISA card?" sounds a little British. A third phrasing, which also means the same thing, is "Have you got a VISA card?"
26 tháng 7 năm 2014
Yes his right!!! But the first way will work for both the US and England. Try to learn the american style first, it's simpler and more main stream.
26 tháng 7 năm 2014
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