Ona Wang
What is the different between somehow and somewhat ? I usually hear these two words in English movies, but I'd a little bit confused about them. What's the different between them and how should I use them in communication? Is it appropriate used in formal communication or writing? PS. If I have grammatical errors in the sentences, please correct it to me. Thanks!
19 Thg 09 2014 15:13
Câu trả lời · 4
"Somewhat" usually means "a little bit" when used with an adjective: - I'm somewhat confused by your answer (this is the same as "I'm a little confused by your answer.") - He's somewhat arrogant. Somehow can mean "by some means, in some way that I haven't yet figured out": - Somehow I will get to Boston by Thursday (this means the same as "one way or another I will get to Boston by Thursday.") - We will recover from this tragedy somehow. It can also mean, when added to verbs of thinking or feeling, "sort of, kind of, maybe": - Somehow I feel like you aren't fond of my friend Jane (this is the same as "I kind of feel like you aren't fond of her.") - Somehow I think the mayor is going to reject my request.
19 tháng 9 năm 2014
somehow = in some way (usually uncertain - without understanding why) somewhat = a little bit For example: Wow! I somehow managed to pass the exam! (I am surprised that I passed, I cannot understand how I did it!) I am somewhat tired of your excuses. (I am a little bit tired of you making excuses all the time.) You can use them in formal English, although I wouldn't say that they are very commonly used. Corrections: ... but I'm a little bit confused about them. ... the difference between ... ... to use them... ... please correct them for me.
19 tháng 9 năm 2014
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