Wu Ting
How would you interpret ‘revision’ here? Dear Frida, Your letter was welcome, even if it didn’t carry much good news. It is so much better to think of you stomping down the street with skirts roiling, not in a wheelchair. This is a hateful revision. You and Diego should be marching with banners in Paseo de la Reforma this week, protesting the compromises of the Chapultepec Conference… How would you interpret ‘revision’ in the sentence: This is a hateful revision? Does it refer to that Frida had something wrong with her legs and had to sit in a wheelchair? Thanks!
3 Thg 12 2014 08:50
Câu trả lời · 2
"Revision" is a bit if a strange word here. It's used to indicate change. Frida used to walk. Now she has to use a wheelchair, so the "revision" is the change from walking to wheelchair. It's not hateful. In fact, it's the opposite. It's telling her that if she hadn't had an accident, she would be walking, and that's what the writer of the letter wished were true.
3 tháng 12 năm 2014
I'm a little confused about the context, this is a letter from someone who has just read an edited version of a story? If this is true, then yes - they mean it is a hateful revision because this is a much sadder outcome or story, compared to the passion of a protest. (The revision isn't necessarily "hateful" just less pleasant I guess.)
3 tháng 12 năm 2014
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