''below", "above" сөздерін негізгі қолданатын жерлер қандай?
31 Thg 03 2015 06:37
Câu trả lời · 2
"Below" is similar to under. We use this word to describe something that is usually stationary (doesn't move) or is not exactly "under" something. For example: The chair is below the window. (the window and the wall are flat and the chair is against the wall.) Another example: The floor is below our feet. (the floor doesn't move, it is stationary) "Above" is similar to over. We use this word to describe something that is usually stationary (doesn't move) and is over something else. For example: The chandelier is above the dining room table. (the chandelier doesn't move) Another example: The painting is above the fireplace. (it isn't exactly over the fireplace)
1 tháng 4 năm 2015
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