we need to think if it's necessary for human to live or die.??right?? Is from my English homework, Eternal life is the human eternal pursuit of goals. People want eternal life because life is the foundation to have something else. However, the important thing is human eternal is right or wrong. Before we answer the question, we need to think if it's necessary for human to live or die.~~
24 Thg 05 2015 11:01
Câu trả lời · 1
1) It should be "humans," or perhaps "humanity." These two sentences are grammatically correct, but they may not say what you mean to say. "We need to think if it's necessary for humans to live or die." "We need to think if it's necessary for humanity to live or die." 2) I'm not sure what your meaning is. Please give us the sentence that comes before this one.
24 tháng 5 năm 2015
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