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When foreigners say "I wanna rock" or "do you want rock and roll", what do they mean?
4 Thg 08 2015 06:59
Câu trả lời · 4
As a verb, "rock" means "to sway". It is also a slang meaning "to be very good, impressive, exciting, or effective" (dictionary.com). It is in this sense when they say "I want to rock" or "Do you want to rock and roll". It is like "Let's get started (for something exciting)", "Let's have a ball". and so on.
4 tháng 8 năm 2015
I wanna = I want to Rock and rock & roll are music genres So I wanna rock = I want to listen to rock music Good luck I wish I could help you
4 tháng 8 năm 2015
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