ITALIAN NATIVES- HELP Please! I need your insider perspective. I live in Milan with my Italian boyfriend. I want to start having weekend getaways for the two of us. Can you recommend any non-tourist places to visit? Any festivals, concerts coming up in the next few months? Let me know what you think is most unique :) Thanks so much!
27 Thg 08 2015 09:31
Câu trả lời · 4
Ciao, I live in Milan too so I can give some helpful suggestion (I hope!) If you like "nature" you can visit the zone near Lecco (Valsassina) in just one hour you completely change landscape: mountains, rivers, and so on. You can eat in lodge (rifugio) and so you can try the polenta and other typical food :-)
27 tháng 8 năm 2015
You could visit Città Alta in Bergamo, it's a beautiful medioeval city :)
27 tháng 8 năm 2015
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