What's the difference among devise, design and conceive? What's the difference among devise, design and conceive?
12 Thg 02 2016 17:32
Câu trả lời · 5
There is overlap. There are no clear boundaries. "Devise" suggests logical thinking; to devise a machine, to devise a plan, to devise a clever new way to organize all the tools in your basement. "Design" suggests appearance, and making a drawing. He is a fashion designer. She designs websites. He drew up a design for a new airplane. "Conceive" suggests an idea, and the moment that it pops into your head. The Wright Brothers conceived of the idea of wing warping. It was just a conception, until they went on and designed the struts and cables. Beethoven had the concept of including a chorus of singers in a symphony, and then carried it out when he composed his Ninth Symphony. I simply can't conceive of what it means for a central bank can lower an interest rate below zero.
12 tháng 2 năm 2016
Devise is usually used if you invent or plan something. Design again can be used in this. But is used my for artistic descriptions Concieve is used to describe and Idea that has taken form. A child is concieved (made)
12 tháng 2 năm 2016
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