keep the government’s boot on BP’s neck…… The politicians, eager as ever to stay in tune with the nation, joined in. Ken Salazar, the secretary of the interior, vowed to keep the government’s boot on BP’s neck. "as ever to do ",do sth in the same way sth was done before? keep the government’s boot on BP’s neck.what does it mean?an idiom?
19 Thg 06 2010 09:26
Câu trả lời · 1
"As ever" is similar to "always" or "as they always have been". Eager as ever to do something means always wanting to do it. The politicians are eager to join in and criticize or punish BP because they always want to do want they think the nation wants from them. (The Americans are mad at BP, so the politicians want to show they are too; they have the same opinions about BP, are "tuned in." To keep the boot on his neck is to keep them under control (think of a police officer or soldier with is boot on someone's neck to keep him on the ground).
19 tháng 6 năm 2010
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