someone told me that spanish speakers use ustedes instead od vosotros. could u explain me? that's a mess in the personnal pronoun!!! give me examples plz. ;)"of" place of ......................."od "
22 Thg 04 2011 20:58
Câu trả lời · 8
Usted (singular) and Ustedes (plural) are used instead of the more informal "Tu" and "Vosotros", when speaking to someone you don´t already know, an older person, a teacher, a boss, or in any formal setting. It´s just a polite way of addressing someone. To my friend: "Puedes (tu) ayudarme?" (Can you help me?) To my teacher: "Puede (usted) ayudarme?" (Can you help me?) Ustedes is the same, in plural, for addressing a group in the same formal, polite way, and is used instead of "Vosotros". EDIT: There are also regional differences. In some countries it´s more common than others, and the use even differs from town to town in a lot of countries. In Argentina they also use "vos" (2.person singular) instead of "tú", with different conjugations.
24 tháng 4 năm 2011
"Usted" y "Tú" en singular, "Ustedes" y "Vosotros" en plural, son pronombres personales que corresponden a la segunda persona, que es con quién se habla. "Ustedes" y "Vosotros" significan lo mismo, pero dependiendo del país, se usa más un pronombre que el otro. En los países latinoamericanos usamos más "Ustedes" y en España emplean más "Vosotros". "Usted" y "Ustedes" son pronombres que se usan como una forma especial de cortesía, con las personas a quienes tratamos con respeto o deferencia. Ejs: Ustedes son actores = Vosotros sois actores. Ustedes deben hablar mejor = Vosotros debéis hablar mejor.
22 tháng 4 năm 2011
Vosotros is only used in Spain.
24 tháng 4 năm 2011
Forget about the word Vosotros , no one uses that.The correct word is Ustedes wich means you( plural). Tu= you(singular)
23 tháng 4 năm 2011
Vosotros sólo se usa en España
27 tháng 4 năm 2011
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