July zhang
I prefer to push myself further when I am on the fence in terms of my personality. I am the person who would rather to take risks to pursue a result than just staying in place to guess the result. For example, I often motivate myself when I hesitate ahead of an extreme project like a roller coaster, by saying that " It's short! Just do it!" to myself. Because I know I will enjoy the excitement just after fear. I will also choose to have a try when I receive some challenging projects in work, even though my heart is saying giving up to myself. Because I know I like the feeling of fulfilling after success. So calmly thinking always motivates me, I will compare the pros and cons in my minds and make decisions after that.
21 Thg 05 2024 06:44
Bài chữa · 5
I prefer to push myself further when I am on the fence about facing a challenge. I am the person who would rather take risks to pursue a result than just stay in place to guess the result. For example, I often motivate myself when I hesitate ahead of an extreme challenge like a roller coaster ride. I would say to myself, "It's short! Just do it!" Because I know I will enjoy the excitement (that comes) just after the fear. I will also choose to have a try when I receive some challenging projects at work, even though my heart is saying to myself, "give up." Because I know I like the feeling of fulfillment (that comes) after success. So calmly thinking always motivates me, I will compare the pros and cons in my mind and make decisions after that. "I'm on the fence"/ "I'm sitting on the fence" : this is normally used when you are undecided about something, usually between two options (a fence separates two areas). Hence "Sitting on the fence in terms of personality" does not work well here IMO.
Well done.
23 Thg 05 2024 00:13
I prefer to push myself further when I am on the fence in terms of my personality. I am the person who would rather to take risks to pursue a result than just staying in place to guess the result. For example, I often motivate myself when I hesitate ahead of an extreme project like a roller coaster, by saying that " It's short! Just do it!" to myself. Because I know I will enjoy the excitement just after fear. I will also choose to have a try when I receive some challenging projects in work, even though my heart is saying giving up to myself. Because I know I like the feeling of fulfilling after success. So calmly thinking always motivates me, I will compare the pros and cons in my minds and make decisions after that.
21 Thg 05 2024 08:57
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