Do you like to know about Spanish numbers? Stick to this guide till the end and you will learn numbers in Spanish along with their pronunciation. Learn números and you will become a pro at speaking Spanish.
Numbers are known as números in Spanish. Learning números will help you understand different Spanish conversations easily and it will also help you in undertaking day-to-day transactions.
But, before we get into números, here is an online Spanish learning course recommendation for you. If you want to learn Spanish online, check out italki. This platform has made language learning super easy by generating virtual classrooms carrying all the right learning tools. In italki, you will find the best Spanish tutor online helping you learn Spanish right from the Basics. Enroll yourself online by visiting the website!
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Spanish numbers from 1 to 10
Starting from the basics, here are the cardinal numbers in Spanish from 1-10:
Numeral | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
0 | cero | sey-roh |
1 | uno | oo-no |
2 | dos | dohs |
3 | tres | trehs |
4 | cuatro | koo-ah-troh |
5 | cinco | seen-coh |
6 | seis | say-es |
7 | siete | see-eh-teh |
8 | ocho | oh-choh |
9 | nueve | noo-eh-veh |
10 | diez | dee-ehs |
Okay, now that you know the Spanish numbers from 1 to 10, we can move forward. If you find it difficult to pronounce these numbers, you can consult different Spanish learning apps to learn Spanish pronunciation. These apps are convenient as you can download them on your smartphone easily and use them no matter where you are.
Spanish numbers from 11 to 20
Numeral | In Spanish | Pronunciation |
11 | once | on-say |
12 | doce | doh-say |
13 | trece | trey-say |
14 | catorce | ka-tohr-say |
15 | quince | keen-say |
16 | dieciséis | dee-eh-see-say-es |
17 | diecisiete | dee-eh-see-eh-teh |
18 | dieciocho | dee-eh-see-oh-choh |
19 | diecinueve | dee-eh-see-noo-eh-veh |
20 | veinte | bey-en-teh |
In contrast to English, the Spanish numbers 21-29 have their own format – but after that, it is easy and smooth till 100. As with many languages, once you reach 30, you simply need to know the names of 30, 40, 50, and so on. You combine them with the Spanish word for ‘and’ (‘y’, en Español) and the numbers one through nine.
Spanish numbers from 21 to 50
Numeral | In Spanish |
21 | veintiuno |
22 | veintidós |
23 | veintitrés |
24 | veinticuatro |
25 | veinticinco |
26 | veintiséis |
27 | veintisiete |
28 | veintiocho |
29 | veintinueve |
30 | treinta |
31 | treinta y uno |
32 | treinta y dos |
33 | treinta y tres |
34 | treinta y cuatro |
35 | treinta y cinco |
36 | treinta y seis |
37 | treinta y siete |
38 | treinta y ocho |
39 | treinta y nueve |
40 | cuarenta |
41 | cuarenta y uno |
42 | cuarenta y dos |
43 | cuarenta y tres |
44 | cuarenta y cuatro |
45 | cuarenta y cinco |
46 | cuarenta y seis |
47 | cuarenta y siete |
48 | cuarenta y ocho |
49 | cuarenta y nueve |
50 | cincuenta |
Now you are getting closer to Spanish number 100. Learning numbers, days and months in Spanish can not only help you hold Spanish conversations but it is also helpful in understanding those conversations well. Learning Spanish numbers can help you with a lot of books, media including videos, documentaries and podcasts etc.
Spanish numbers from 51 to 100
Numeral | In Spanish |
51 | cincuenta y uno |
52 | cincuenta y dos |
53 | cincuenta y tres |
54 | cincuenta y cuatro |
55 | cincuenta y cinco |
56 | cincuenta y seis |
57 | cincuenta y siete |
58 | cincuenta y ocho |
59 | cincuenta y nueve |
60 | sesenta |
61 | sesenta y uno |
62 | sesenta y dos |
63 | sesenta y tres |
64 | sesenta y cuatro |
65 | sesenta y cinco |
66 | sesenta y seis |
67 | sesenta y siete |
68 | sesenta y ocho |
69 | sesenta y nueve |
70 | setenta |
71 | setenta y uno |
72 | setenta y dos |
73 | setenta y tres |
74 | setenta y cuatro |
75 | setenta y cinco |
76 | setenta y seis |
77 | setenta y siete |
78 | setenta y ocho |
79 | setenta y nueve |
80 | ochenta |
81 | ochenta y uno |
82 | ochenta y dos |
83 | ochenta y tres |
84 | ochenta y cuatro |
85 | ochenta y cinco |
86 | ochenta y seis |
87 | ochenta y siete |
88 | ochenta y ocho |
89 | ochenta y nueve |
90 | noventa |
91 | noventa y uno |
92 | noventa y dos |
93 | noventa y tres |
94 | noventa y cuatro |
95 | noventa y cinco |
96 | noventa y seis |
97 | noventa y siete |
98 | noventa y ocho |
99 | noventa y nueve |
100 | cien |
Now, we recommend you to take another look at the tables and try to spot the patterns.
- Learn the numbers for 1-15. There’s no real pattern, you just have to learn them: uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince.
- Learn the numbers for the multiples of ten: veinte, treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, ochenta, noventa. A few tips to help you remember: Other than veinte, they all end in –enta, Other than veinte (again), they all have a clear relationship with the related smaller number: cuatro <-> cuarenta, ocho <-> ochenta, etc.
- For numbers from 16-19, take the rightmost digit and say “diez + y + (digit)”. E.g. 17 = “diez + y + siete” = “diez y siete”, which contracts to diecisiete. This is much like how in English 16 is “six-ten” i.e. “sixteen”.
- For numbers above twenty, simply take the “tens” number (veinte, treinta, etc.) and the “ones” number (uno, dos, etc.) and stick y (“and”) in the middle. E.g. 31 = “thirty and one” = treinta y uno.
- The only extra thing to be aware of is that numbers from 21-29 get contracted into a single word – so instead of “veinte y cuatro”, it’s “veinticuatro”.
Spanish numbers from 101 to 1000 and beyond
- 101 – ciento uno
- 102 – ciento dos
- 200 – doscientos (-as)
- 300 – trescientos(-as)
- 400 – cuatrocientos(-as)
- 500 – quinientos(-as)
- 600 – seiscientos(-as)
- 700 – setecientos(-as)
- 800 – ochocientos(-as)
- 900 – novecientos(-as)
- 1,000 – mil
- 2,000 – dos mil
- 3,000 – tres mil
- 100,000 – cien mil
And just for fun!
- 1,000,000 – un millón
- 2,000,000 – cinco millones
- 1,000,000,000 mil millions
Frequently asked questions
Q. How do you count to 0 in Spanish?
A. It is part of the 0-10 sequence you may already know: cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
Q. What is 101 in Spanish words?
A. ciento uno
Q. What is the pattern for numbers above 20?
A. For numbers above twenty, simply take the “tens” number (veinte, treinta, etc.) and the “ones” number (uno, dos, etc.) and stick y (“and”) in the middle. E.g. 31 = “thirty and one” = treinta y uno.
Learning Spanish numbers will save you from making a lot of mistakes. Remember, learning a second language takes a lot of time, patience, and consistency. Look for their pronunciation and start memorizing them at a gradual pace. Remember the patterns discussed above as they will make the learning process easier.
There are plenty of online Spanish dictionaries available. You can use these dictionaries to translate different Spanish words in your native language to understand the context and meaning.
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